What a trip! Tuesday, Dec 22 2009 

I have never slept overnight in an airport before. I also haven’t ever stayed up 40 hours with a couple of small 15 minute naps before. That seems to be what happens when you get snowed in on the east coast. I thought they knew what snow was and what to do with it, but apparently I was mistaken.

Friday Dec 18, the movers took all of my worldly possessions and put them on a truck bound for California. Little did I know, I would not be right behind. My plane ticket was canceled due to snow. I struggled to the airport on the metro with way too much luggage and no clue what I was doing. I managed to get my ticket changed to Sunday the 20th, thinking that would be just fine. I grabbed a hotel room and all was well with the world.

Sunday came, and I went to the airport to stand in line for 3 hours to check my baggage and discover that my laptop was still in the hotel. After calling the hotel to let them know that I needed it shipped I started sitting around the airport. And sitting. And sitting. 3pm came and went for my plane, and we finally boarded around 4pm. We proceeded to sit on the runway for 2 hours to find out Philadelphia was not accepting incoming flights, so we went back to the gate and grabbed food. By then I had already missed my connecting flight, but US Airways (who I will never fly with again) had 1 employee and about 500 customers at the desk. There was no rescheduling.

About 9:45pm we got off of the ground, and 25 minutes later to Philadelphia. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, all of that for 25 minutes of flying. In hindsight I should have attempted driving, snow or not. When we got there, there were no outbound flights to anywhere near San Francisco, so I stood in line for 3 hours to get a new ticket. They gave me some voucher thing and told me that I had to be back at the airport at 4:45 am.

I decided I’d just stay since it was only about 4 hours at that point. I did what the “nice” lady told me and gave the voucher thing to the United Airlines people. They had never seen anything like it, and in fact told me I had no seat, and put me on standby. The plane was already severely overbooked and needless to say, I wasn’t getting a seat. I went back to customer service, and stood around another hour to get a plane that was scheduled to leave around 3:30. Then I attempted to take a nap near the gate so I could try to keep from becoming completely delirious. It didn’t work too well with some monstrous children jumping up and down on a nearby seat and good Samaritans waking me up to make sure I wasn’t missing whichever flight happened to be going out at that moment.

I decided to check on my flight status, and lo and behold! It was delayed 90 minutes for maintenance. I decided that was going to be a problem and started looking for alternatives. I couldn’t find anything, but heard an announcement over the loud-speaker that there was a plane leaving for San Francisco and last call to get on. I ran over there and managed to score myself a seat (window even) to get out of there. I figured my baggage was already in California or was forever lost and I’d get it around Christmas of the following year. Somehow, miracle of miracles, they actually got my luggage on the plane and everything delivered to California. Of course my suitcase looks like someone took a chainsaw to parts of it, but the contents are safe.

All in all, I made it home, but the moral of the story is tri-fold:
1) Never fly US Airways. Unless you like airlines that book you on full flights that were full weeks prior to the flight date, blame the weather, then have no one available to fix it by phone and only employ 1 customer service representative at the busiest time of year, and

2) Never fly in or out of Philadelphia

3) If there’s a blizzard and you’re flying, just rebook for 2-3 days later and save yourself the agony.

Version Control Wednesday, Dec 9 2009 

I have gone back and forth over version control options. I know that big corporations and even the government uses Subversion because of the ease of implementation. At this point in time my site is small enough that I could easily keep a spreadsheet of changes in with a full backup file. I know as time goes on and things grow, I would have to get a more comprehensive system to track my changes and backup things in a more dynamic manner. I hope to continue to do research outside of this class for version control and security as the two really go hand in glove as things progress. It’s a big challenge to understand what I need and how I will be able to apply it to my own site. It’s exciting at the same time and I am enjoying how much I have learned and how much there is to learn. I still have a hard time understanding exactly how the version control programs work, but I will get there eventually.

Site Backup/restore Sunday, Dec 6 2009 

Well I don’t know if I was just lucky or what on this one. I backed up my site using site 5’s backup tools. I basically backed up both database files and the home file and saved them to my desktop. Then I ftp’d the zip files the backup created onto the site to dinnerdevotee.com/backup. As far as restoring the backups. I restored the home file over the existing and after a bit of fiddling it worked fine. I didn’t bother with the database files as they were so small. I do think that I will start making archived backups somewhere. Probably get an external hard drive and save them off the computer at some point since if this laptop crashes and my site goes down, there’s basically no real way for me to recover it.

Someone I admire Thursday, Dec 3 2009 

Well honestly, I don’t know much about many web designers, developers or graphic designers. I ran across the name Zach Klein so I thought I would into him and his work a bit more.

He has three companies: BustedTees (a t-shirt shop), CollegeHumor.com (which just about every college student knows of), and Vimeo (a video/animation art site which allows users to post and collaborate. All in all the styles of his design are very interesting and each one is quite unique from the other.

Interestingly enough, he runs a well designed but simple blog and has his Twitter page, but it’s not extremely fancy or overdone. The designs are pretty simple but at the same time, obviously took quite a lot of work and thought.

I’d like to learn more about graphic / web designers such as this. He seems to do it all instead of fitting into one simple niche.

Soooo Exciting!!! Friday, Nov 6 2009 

So I looked at some website statistics for my site through Google Analytics. My site has come up and been visited through Google. Now I want to add a million recipes so people start coming to visit me regularly. I have a feeling, though, I’m really going to have to learn about security if I am going to start having visitors. Guess I’ll be researching that in much greater detail while I try to get caught up with everything else.

SEO Monday, Oct 19 2009 

Well I think my SEO will be an ongoing process as the site grows and develops. I made sure my meta tags made sense, allowed for search-engine friendly URL’s and also signed up for Google’s Analytics tool so I can try to get a better grasp of where traffic comes from when it comes in. I am hoping that by making minor tweaks and adjustments here and there, as well as manually submitting to some of the major search engines will allow me to see a trickle of visitors in the future.

The real problem with the Search Engine Optimization, it seems, is there’s not magic bullet that will hit spot-on with the construction of the site. It’s almost necessary to try version after version after version of a page and tags, headings, content, etc to see what combination is going to be the most favorable to gain attention. I can see why business upstarts use professional services to determine this information. It would be darn near impossible otherwise.

Always a battle :( Monday, Oct 19 2009 

Well I had to give up on the old site template. Any time I tried to revise anything that effected the CSS, the whole template broke. I picked a new one, and hopefully it will be more customizable. We’ll find out I suppose. Let me know what you think if you want to stop by. Dinner Devotee

User Forum is UP!!! Sunday, Oct 4 2009 

I did it! I did it! I got a forum up and running and seem to have managed to maintain it inside my template. Whee!!!

Come check it out. DinnerDevotee and click Forum in the main menu.

Hackers Sunday, Oct 4 2009 

You would think the US Government had the top security on their networks. Unfortunately there are too many locations, too many networks, and too much of a “this won’t happen to us” attitude. Just 2 locations are as follows, and sadly, it happens more frequently than one would think.

Los Alamos National Laboratory – A memo sent to LANL employees that was subsequently leaked to the public states that “malicious and determined hackers have accessed the Lab’s unclassified Yellow Network and removed a significant amount of unclassified material.”

Oak Ridge National Laboratory – ORNL revealed in a statement. “No classified information was lost; However, visitor personal information may have been stolen. If you visited ORNL between the years 1990 and 2004, your name and other personal information, such as your Social Security number or date of birth, may have been part of the stolen information.”

If the Government can’t keep their networks secure, who can?

I won’t repost this article but denial of service type attacks wherein the hacker sucks so much bandwith out of a site it cannot be accessed by the public. Here is the article if you’re interested: http://gawker.com/5310237/entire-us-government-under-hacker-attack

My thoughts on the matter? If you REALLY don’t want your site hacked, you should probably hire a hacker 🙂

It works!!! …mostly Saturday, Sep 26 2009 

Alright, it is possible to register on the site and post recipes. I had a horrible time trying to get the Rapid Recipe module set up with the template I’m using. As you can see, the formatting in the menus is still off. I e-mailed them to find out if I can fix that somewhere in the code (basically because I’m lazy and don’t want to figure it out myself) and because I want them to see the issue. I also found a typo in their template for adding recipes so I’ll have to fix that at some point too. I really hate the idea of having to uninstall it and set up all that junk again, but I can’t think of a way to fix it unless I can figure out how to get to the css through Joomla some how. Any ideas?

Anyway, if you would like to do me a favor, please go to www.dinnerdevotee.com and register, and try to post a recipe so I can see what it does on my end. I registered myself, but it’s not as helpful as seeing it from another’s perspective.

I know that this week I am not going to get as much content as I had hoped up on the site, but ughhh….I think this is going to keep me plenty busy for the time being.

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